Living Longer-Living Better


Contribute to Jewish Sacred Aging

In a world of such uncertainty, wherefrom one day to the next, we aren’t sure where our insights, pleasures, security or good news can stem from, we must hold onto the BEST of what we rely on.Many of our faithful readers and contributors have come to value and appreciate the meaningful content that shares information and heartfelt experiences in the lives of Jewish Baby Boomers. We hope to continue to make this website an important vehicle for easy to find/critical data that is consequential to our lives.

We do need your help and hope you will make a contribution to Jewish Sacred Aging® so our nourishment from this significant and unique reservoir of knowledge can continue to grow. We appreciate very much your contribution.

Click here to visit Jewish SacredAging’s Jewish Community Foundation page to make a donation via PayPal or major credit card.

About Jewish Sacred Aging

Jewish Sacred Aging is a forum for the Jewish Community with resources and texts that feature discussions on the implications of the revolution in longevity for Baby Boomers and their families. We encourage you to participate in the conversation!

Rabbi Address’ Upcoming Speaking Appearances

All February speaking appearances are on Zoom.

  • February 1, 5, 8,12: Kol Ami, Cherry Hill, N.J.
  • February 6: Dorot, NYC
  • February 16: Adath Emanuel. Mt Laurel, N.J.
  • February 20: Judea Reform. Durham, N.C.

If you would like to book Rabbi Address to speak at your congregation, facilitate a workshop, or appear at your conference or seminar, email us for information!


Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast - Upcoming shows

The program publishes to this website every Friday morning at 8 a.m. Eastern Time

  • February 7: Lauren Litton: Sacred Spaces...elder abuse
  • February 14: Dr Rick Moody: His new book , Climate Change In An Aging Society
  • February  21: Dr. Michael Meyer on his new CCR Press book on the life of Rabbi Alexander Schindler
  • February 28: Dr Adam Skrzynski. MD. on the linkage of medicine and spirituality
  • March 7: Laurie Orlov on the rise of technology and aging in issues of

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Email for information.

Subscribe to the TV show or podcast on this site, on YouTube (see below) or at one of these podcast channels.

Seekers of Meaning on YouTube (Playlist)

We curate a playlist of all Seekers of Meaning TV shows on YouTube. Click on the image to get more information.

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