First Aid Training
Contributed by Ilene H. Sharp Some childhood memories are clearer in my mind than things that happened last week. Perhaps it’s because they are so meaningful and somehow define who I am and who I [Read more…]
Contributed by Ilene H. Sharp Some childhood memories are clearer in my mind than things that happened last week. Perhaps it’s because they are so meaningful and somehow define who I am and who I [Read more…]
Very often when a patient is confronted with the diagnosis of a severe illness that can have life-changing consequences or a terminal illness that is actually life threatening, the inevitable questions raised are “Why me?” [Read more…]
The importance of a patient’s spirituality on the course of a disease and the ability to cope with that disease was mentioned last month. The key to understanding that spirituality can be found in the [Read more…]
With December comes the Chanukah festival and the reminders of ancient myths and stories…and, of course, food! The driedel game is also an interesting symbol of something that is becoming increasingly clear to we baby [Read more…]
Rabbi Address’s note: Dr. Robert Lester is a physician in Canada. He gave the following paper at a workshop at the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial convention in Toronto in November 2009. The session looked [Read more…]
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