Lech L’cha – But not alone
I had the privilege of officiating at the funeral and first evening Shiva Minyan of a lovely man. It came time to share a D’var Torah during the Minyan and I spoke to Lech Lecha, [Read more…]
I had the privilege of officiating at the funeral and first evening Shiva Minyan of a lovely man. It came time to share a D’var Torah during the Minyan and I spoke to Lech Lecha, [Read more…]
Much has been written and discussed in recent years about our own confrontation with death. Endless books and articles have been written about how one can relate to the death of a loved one. Every [Read more…]
In a two-part series in its Boomers section, The New York Times is offering advice from Deborah Drelich, a geriatric care social worker and founder of a resource website, NY Eldercare Consultants, about important considerations [Read more…]
On the October 8 episode of “Boomer Generation Radio,” Rabbi Address welcomes back Tobi Schwartz-Cassell, owner and editor-in-chief of Girlfriendz magazine. She continues the conversation from an earlier show about Baby Boomer women. Tobi Schwartz-Cassell [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: Jewish Sacred Aging welcomes a new contributor, Rabbi Lynnda Targan. You can learn more about her at her website. The Declaration of Independence calls the “pursuit of happiness” one of its inalienable rights, [Read more…]
I recently was honored to do a workshop for a synagogue in Chicago (Sukkat Shalom). They were developing a program focusing on baby boomers and aging. In a break-out session the subject again turned to [Read more…]
On the October 1, 2013 episode, Dr. Vicki Handfield, a life coach, talks with Rabbi Address about Baby Boomers making life transitions.
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