BO: Old and Young Together
This weeks Torah Portion, “Bo”, is a sweeping tale that includes the last three plagues as well as mention of the Passover. There has been a great deal of commentary on these plagues (locusts, darkness [Read more…]
This weeks Torah Portion, “Bo”, is a sweeping tale that includes the last three plagues as well as mention of the Passover. There has been a great deal of commentary on these plagues (locusts, darkness [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post provided by Fay Wein, Senior Planning Services, a company that assists seniors with Medicaid eligibility issues. More information at http://www.senior-planning.com/. Medicaid is a joint federal and state-sponsored program [Read more…]
This weekend, religious congregations all over the country will pause to remember Rev. Martin Luther King. At hundreds of congregations, mixed choirs will sing the songs of the sixties, join hands and, for a brief [Read more…]
This second portion of the book of Exodus tells the story of the tensions between Pharaoh, Moses and the people. The “let my people go” theme rests throughout the chapter. It is in this Torah [Read more…]
We begin this Shabbat, the second book of the Torah, Exodus. This first portion is packed with issues and challenges and dramatic sweep. I wanted to look at a famous passage that appears at the [Read more…]
So, back from a vacation cruise for the holidays. Lots of chances to just look at the ocean and think. Sometimes that is very therapeutic. Sometimes, it is a challenge. It was also a time [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: This week’s D’var Torah is from Rabbi David Levin. Living in the state of Florida, initial conversations with new acquaintances usually had two questions asked early on. The first question was: Where are [Read more…]
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