The End of Passover
Tonight is the seventh night of Pesah, and for Israelis and Reform Jews, the final night. I have just lit a memorial candle in memory of our deceased first degree family members: Sylvia and Bob [Read more…]
Tonight is the seventh night of Pesah, and for Israelis and Reform Jews, the final night. I have just lit a memorial candle in memory of our deceased first degree family members: Sylvia and Bob [Read more…]
We are pleased to be able to make available to you an expanded series of forms, based on A Time to Prepare (Life Planning book) that will help guide you and your family through a [Read more…]
On this episode of the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, Rabbi Address speaks with Dr. William Cutter about Judaism and Health. Rabbi Cutter is the Steinberg Emeritus Professor of Human Relations at Hebrew Union College-Jewish [Read more…]
As Passover draws to a close this weekend and the last matzah board is eaten (one hopes) we conclude with the “yizkor” moment of memorial (see this week’s D’var Torah) and prepare to move on. [Read more…]
The April 26, 2016 Boomer Generation Radio show features Mark Davis, from Center for Advocacy for Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE), and Dr. David Bernstein, an internist and gerontologist from Florida, whose latest [Read more…]
The dictionary defines “lonely” as: without company; cut off from others; solitary; and sad from being alone. What loneliness does not mean is weak, boring, painfully shy, without accomplishment, or unable to make commitments. [Read more…]
Rabbi Address led a webinar for the Union for Reform Judaism last week on “Judaism, Older Adults, Mental Health and Your Congregation,” for the URJ-Ruderman Mental Health Learning Opportunity series. You can watch the 45-minute [Read more…]
PROGRAM NOTE: The Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, which is normally released on Fridays, is taking this week off for Passover, but will be back again next Friday. On the April 19, 2016 Boomer Generation [Read more…]
Happy Passover. The themes of liberation and freedom that greet us every year at our “seder” can also be seen in very personal terms. After all, here is a festval that confronts us in very [Read more…]
Rabbi Nina Mizrahi has given us permission to re-post her recent blog in our Dvar Torah section in preparation for Passover. Many congregations will read the texts from Exodus (12) that outline the call to [Read more…]
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