Yom Kippur 5778: Adjusting to the Constancy of Change?
Many of the people with whom I am friends know, in some way, that I am a sports fan. It is a wonderful escape, some measure of therapy and, without trying to sound too glib, [Read more…]
Many of the people with whom I am friends know, in some way, that I am a sports fan. It is a wonderful escape, some measure of therapy and, without trying to sound too glib, [Read more…]
So here I go again, wondering what the heck is going on. I took time off—just me, my camera and beautiful New England. A long awaited trip by Rail and Sail in the company of [Read more…]
I begin with one of my favorite stories: A Reform and an Orthodox Rabbi are walking down the street, deeply engaged in an animated discussion (already you know this is a tale of some vintage [Read more…]
Rabbi Ben David, senior rabbi of Congregation Adath Emanu-El, Mount Laurel. NJ, returns to the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast to discuss Seven Days, Many Voices: Insights into the Biblical Story of Creation, (order the book here) the book [Read more…]
To be fully human or not To do or not to do To challenge or accept To have or not to have To seek knowledge or inhabit ignorance To grow emotionally or stay status quo [Read more…]
Shalom. Shannah Tovah. The new year 5778 is dawning and with it come our hopes and dreams, and anxieties for our future. What will this new year bring? Who shall we be a year from [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: This guest post was written by Howard Greenberg and Dr Edmond Weiss of M’kor Shalom in Cherry Hill, NJ, based on a program they presented at the congregation. Talking with a spouse or an [Read more…]
Deuteronomy 32 contains a long poem/song that forms the basis of this week’s portion. Moses is concluding his farewell sermon. We are at the next to last portion of Deuteronomy. We are at the cusp [Read more…]
The other day, there was an ad in the New York times for an investment firm which read “You can transfer wealth across generations. But how do you transfer values?” A day later, an op-ed [Read more…]
Our Torah cycle and our year is drawing to a close and this week we meet a double portion. The concluding farewell sermon of Moses draws our attention to so many issues. He reminds us [Read more…]
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