Is health care a right?
Rabbi Phil Cohen tackles this thorny subject. [Read more…]
Rabbi Phil Cohen tackles this thorny subject. [Read more…]
We invite you to participate in a groundbreaking study that will explore the interests and family demographics of Jewish grandparents, ages 55-80. Your responses to an online survey will join those of grandparents throughout North [Read more…]
Rabbi Address speaks with Prof. Jack Wertheimer, the Joseph and Martha Mendelson Professor of American Jewish History at The Jewish Theological Seminary, about his latest book, The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today . [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: Rabbi Peter Grumbacher frequently shares the story of his father’s Holocaust experience. He contributes this guest commentary as we approach the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, when Nazis attacked the Jewish community across Germany. [Read more…]
Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28:9) is one of the more famous portions as it contains the story of Isaac, Esau and Jacob and Rebecca. A challenging family dynamic if there ever was one. Themes of infertility, sibling [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff shares his thoughts on Parsha Toldot. [Read more…]
It has been just a little over a week. One Shabbat has come and gone since Pittsburgh. The vigils are over. The Shabbat of Solidarity has passed. As I sat with my family and grandchildren [Read more…]
On this edition of the Seekers of Meaning Podcast, Rabbi Sid Schwarz discusses his work as founder and director of Kenissa: Communities of Meaning Network, which is identifying, convening and building the capacity of emerging spiritual communities across the country. [Read more…]
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