What My Mask Hides
Carole Leskin writes about the isolation of face masks in the pandemic and their impact on people who want to smile at others. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin writes about the isolation of face masks in the pandemic and their impact on people who want to smile at others. [Read more…]
On this episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Danny Siegel, a poet and author, discusses his writing and his life work. [Read more…]
And so we begin again! A new year, a new encounter with Torah as we gather to begin again with Genesis. A wonderful and challenging portion, from the creation stories to the moral challenge of [Read more…]
Rabbi Edmond Weiss, Ph.D., a new contributor to Jewish Sacred Aging, discusses a potential feminine translation of “Tree of Life.” [Read more…]
Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny makes her Jewish Sacred Aging debut as a contributor with an essay about missing the security of a COVID-19 bubble. [Read more…]
Rabbi Daniel Roberts, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu El in Orange Village (near Cleveland), Ohio, discusses his work creating rituals for retirement on the Oct. 9, 2020 Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast. [Read more…]
Rabbi Richard Hirsh writes about the hard work of turning our ghosts into ancestors who can walk with us. [Read more…]
Sukkot concludes this weekend with Simchat Torah. We finish the Torah with the reading of the portion V’zot ha’bracha and begin immediately with Genesis 1. From the death of Moses to Creation, we play out again the [Read more…]
On this episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast from JewishSacredAging.com, the Rev. Rosemary Lloyd discusses The Conversation Project (theconversationproject.org), a program to help families engage in discussions about end of life care. [Read more…]
Chag Sameach! Sukkot has arrived and with it the Lulav and Etrog, the elaborate and simple Sukkot and a totally different feel from the formality of the High Holidays. We may be dwelling in different types of sukkoth [Read more…]
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