Carole Leskin reflects on a walk by her favorite lake. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin reflects on a walk by her favorite lake. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Address welcomes a panel to discuss how technology changed the High Holy Days in 2020, and the implications for future use by synagogues as a regular part of their community outreach [Read more…]
To quote a famous commentator, the world IS upside down! Waking up on Thanksgiving morning to drizzle and clouds and a somewhat empty feeling. Thinking about a passage from Pirke Avot, I think 3:22, that [Read more…]
At the conclusion of the 2020 C-TAC Summit, Rabbi Address delivered a closing blessing honoring essential workers and participants in the serious illness care movement. [Read more…]
Vayetze brings us many of the themes that we now recognize as part of the Genesis narrative concerning the Patriarchal families: deception, rivalry, infertility and a range of family dynamics. The most famous part of [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff reflects on the healing that our communities need in the postelection period. [Read more…]
At the recent Yeshiva University Wurzweiler School of Social Work conference on Spirituality at the End Life, we included the following blessing that was created by two students in a class on Longevity at HUC-JIR [Read more…]
Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny writes about the challenge of being a parent-figure to an aging parent. [Read more…]
Rabbi Melanie Levav explains the new end-of-life resource organization, the Shomer Collective. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dr. Edmond Weiss Ph.D. looks into the relationship between the Jewish patriarchs and their women. [Read more…]
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