January 2021
Sandy Taradash provides a prayerful poem for our country as the new year begins. [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash provides a prayerful poem for our country as the new year begins. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dayle Friedman, Rabbi David Levin, and Reb Simcha Raphael, Ph.D., discuss their newly published book, Jewish End of Life Care in a Virtual Age: Our Traditions Reimagined. [Read more…]
This portion is filled with great drama, Moses leads the Israelites to cross the Reed Sea. They sing the song of liberation (the mi chamocha in the prayer book), Miriam dances and the journey begins. God, we [Read more…]
Rabbi Edmond Weiss asks, “Which values are peculiar or unique to the Jewish religion or, more important, to the Jewish people?” [Read more…]
On this episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Dr. Jeff Spiess discusses his new book, “Dying with Ease, A Compassionate Guide to Making Wiser End of Life Decisions.” [Read more…]
Bo is a fascinating portion. It follows the developing story of Moses and the Israelites and the final plagues. It chronicles the call for the Passover as a ritual to celebrate liberation. God hardens Pharaoh’s heart [Read more…]
As the new administration stands ready to take control, we understand that there will be a moment to pause and remember all those who have died as a result of the pandemic (as I write [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff shares a guest sermon he was invited to deliver for services at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Brooklyn, New York. [Read more…]
In this episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, liturgist, poet, journalist and teacher Alden Solovy makes a return appearance on the Seekers of Meaning Podcast to discuss his latest book, This Precious Life: Encountering the Divine in Poetry and Prayer, just published by CCAR Press [Read more…]
Our portion this week covers a significant series of moments. Moses claims that he is not fit to confront Pharaoh as he is of “impeded speech” (6:12). We have the story of those first confrontations [Read more…]
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