Not-So-New Normal?
Contributor Marc Blesoff discusses the pandemic and how we co-create the “new” normal. [Read more…]
Contributor Marc Blesoff discusses the pandemic and how we co-create the “new” normal. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin provides a valedictory to 2020. [Read more…]
Sharon Siegel reflects on this season of continuing losses of loved ones and the memories and connections they represent. [Read more…]
Rabbi JD Sacks and Cantor Dr. Rhoda Harrison, Ph.D. discuss their contributed chapters to a new book, “Psalms in the Key of Healing,” edited by Rabbi H. Rafael Goldstein, who died in late December shortly before the book’s scheduled publication in January. [Read more…]
The Book of Exodus introduces us to the great symbol and metaphor of our tradition and, our life. Our portion describes the birth of Moses, his encounter with the Taskmaster, his “call” at the “burning [Read more…]
Rabbi Jan Katzew recalls the Beatle song, “When I’m 64” and compares its plaintive request to how we really treat seniors. [Read more…]
Intoduction. This meditation came to us with the permission of Sherri Alper. Sherri wrote this in a way to respond to what she said was often services that featured eulogies that portrayed the departed as [Read more…]
Rabbi Hara Person, chief executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), the professional organization of Reform rabbis in the U.S., discusses changing career paths and training efforts for rabbis [Read more…]
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