Forty-Five Years
Mark Pinzur reflects on the juxtaposition of his cancer treatment and the High Holy Days. [Read more…]
Mark Pinzur reflects on the juxtaposition of his cancer treatment and the High Holy Days. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Yesh Ballon discusses his new book, Unthinkable Dreams—The Year That Mom Died and the Towers Fell. [Read more…]
This week’s portion presents us again with a wide variety of issues. Yet, the theme, I suggest, that unites them is that of relationships; from their loss to the emergence of ones that are new. [Read more…]
Finding North is a month-long live abroad experience in Haifa, Israel. Participants interact with local communities, encounter local innovators and artists, create a personal midrash/life narrative, volunteer, and engage in guided text study. [Read more…]
Rav Laurie Katz Braun, D.Min., a Reform rabbi and director of outreach for the Youth Mental Health Project. The Youth Mental Health Project is a grassroots nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate, empower, and support families and communities to better understand and care for the mental health of our youth. [Read more…]
The richness of this week’s portion is evident from the opening verses in which Abraham invites “messengers” into his tent; two mitzvoth emerge from this act; that of hospitality and that of visiting the sick [Read more…]
With this post, we inaugurate “Kol Bo,” a new section on devoted to written contributions of poetry and essays from our community that don’t fit under the headings of our other areas of practice. [Read more…]
Where is Carole? Oh no! I seem to have lost me! I’ve looked everywhere. It just isn’t fair. I have no idea Where she could be! It’s frightening you see To live without me! [Read more…]
Rabbi Michael Perice, senior rabbi of Temple Sinai, Cinnaminson, New Jersey, discusses his calling to the rabbinate and his decision to reveal to his congregation his successful battle for recovery from substance abuse. [Read more…]
The high drama of Genesis continues this week. Lech L’cha offers us a variety of texts to consider. We meet Hagar and the birth of Ishmael and the seeds of conflict between Sarai and Hagar [Read more…]
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