Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32) Rebel With A Cause?
There are many lessons in this week’s portion. We are reminded again that, you do not mess with the God of the Torah. The punishment is often death. Korach, and his followers find that [Read more…]
There are many lessons in this week’s portion. We are reminded again that, you do not mess with the God of the Torah. The punishment is often death. Korach, and his followers find that [Read more…]
In the last two years of my seminar training, 1970-1972, I was part of a small group of students at the Hebrew Union College (HUC) that were trained at a local church to provide [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar writes about how his college friends’ and Jewish fraternity brothers’ lives unfolded in an era of protest and personal achievement, but ended up with a renewed focus on Judaism. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, the guest is Tia Newcomer, CEO of CaringBridge.org, a nonprofit social network that helps people connect with family and friends during a health journey. [Read more…]
The major thrust of this week’s portion is the famous story of Moses sending spies into Canaan, that land promised by God, a land “flowing with milk and honey”. They all report that the land [Read more…]
Community members gathered on Saturday, June 18 at the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia for a Pride Havdalah program to learn about and commemorate the persecution of LGBTQ+ individuals in the Holocaust. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin writes about her enjoyment of early summer and learning how to adapt to different ways of engaging with it. [Read more…]
Happy Father’s Day! My dad died three decades ago and what is curious, as least to me, is the fact that as I get older, I hear him more and more. Maybe it is the [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Stephen Karol, rabbi emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Stony Brook, New York, returns to the program to discuss his latest book, Embracing the Supernatural in Judaism: Signs from Our Deceased Loved Ones and Stories About The World-to-Come. [Read more…]
Numbers 11 is a very interesting chapter. The Israelites begin to grumble against Moses, setting in motion a glimpse into Moses’s own personality, the private man (see 11: 10ff). As the Israelites grumble and complain [Read more…]
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