Parashat Pekude
JSA contributor Cary Hillebrand discusses this week’s parsha, Pekude. [Read more…]
JSA contributor Cary Hillebrand discusses this week’s parsha, Pekude. [Read more…]
It has been a very interesting winter. In person travel has sprung back and so in the last months we’ve have three road trips to congregations and seminars. Lots of very interesting people from [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, South Jersey resident Bill Fisher discusses his wife Carol’s terminal illness and decision to use New Jersey’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) option. [Read more…]
JSA Contributor Cary Hillebrand discusses the lessons of Parshat Vayakhal. [Read more…]
The older I become, and the more I realize the restlessness of my soul, the more I accept for myself the Day of Rest. * This week’s portion continues the lengthy number of [Read more…]
In this poem, Larry Rosenberg relates his intriguing 80-year journey of exploring the Judaism’s meaning and role in his life. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Dr. Stephen Goldfine, MD, chief medical officer of Samaritan Health and a palliative care physician, discusses how seniors can avoid adverse drug interactions, and the emerging options for palliative care. [Read more…]
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