Torah portions for when Shabbat falls on intermediate day of Passover
Cary Hillebrand explains the substitution of Torah parshiot when an intermediate day of Passover falls on Shabbat. [Read more…]
Cary Hillebrand explains the substitution of Torah parshiot when an intermediate day of Passover falls on Shabbat. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, senior rabbi of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York, discusses the upcoming second annual Re-Charging Reform conference, being held at the synagogue May 29-30. [Read more…]
What an unreal time! This week, at our sederim, how many of us were concerned with that fourth child, the one unable to ask, or did not even know the right questions! As we look [Read more…]
Rabbi Paul Swerdlow offers an alternative approach to the calendar for counting the Omer. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Address offers a Pesach message and some questions for conversation around the Passover table. [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash writes about the foods that say “Passover” and mean “love.” [Read more…]
The issue of last Shabbat, the outbreak of skin eruptions, is concluded this week with rituals designed to cleanse and purify everything from houses to people who have been made “unclean” due to discharges of [Read more…]
Cary Hillebrand takes on Parsha Metzora. [Read more…]
Rabbi Peter Kasdan and Dr. Liz Etkin-Kramer discuss Yodeah.org, their online portal for genetic screening and counseling of Jewish families for the BRCA gene and other genetic markers for cancer risk. [Read more…]
Contributor Cary Hillebrand takes a look at Parsha Tazria. [Read more…]
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