Is Imperfect the New Normal?
Sandy Taradash wonders if imperfection is the new normal. [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash wonders if imperfection is the new normal. [Read more…]
Rabbi Shlomo Brody discusses Ematai.org, a web resource providing guidance from a Jewish perspective for issues of healthcare and end-of-life decision-making. [Read more…]
Cary Hillebrand takes a look at the structure of Parashat Pinchas. [Read more…]
It constantly amazes me how often a passage in the weekly Torah portion reflects current events. This week is no different, and, maybe even more amazing! Our portion begins with the story of Pinchas, who [Read more…]
Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing a new play on Broadway called Suffs. It is a musical that detailed the struggle of Suffragettes to pass legislation that allowed women the vote. Remember, this was [Read more…]
Mashpi’ah Ruchanit Phyllis Shoshana Savar Levy writes about leaning into the process of aging, and making the most of the wisdom we have been given. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar comments on the heated rhetoric inflaming our political process. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Address chats with Kim Passy Yoseph of the Interact Dual Narrative Education Center, and Emili Ghraiyib of MEDJI Tours, joint Palestinian-Israel tours of cultural highlights in the Middle East, along with Catherine Fischer, principal of the synagogue consultancy Sacred-Practice.com, who has been involved in bringing participants to the programs. [Read more…]
A curious portion this week. A talking donkey, blessings and a strange and frightening, in a way, ending. This is the portion where we meet Bilaam, who is asked by Balak, the King of Moab, [Read more…]
Cary Hillebrand takes a look at the structure of Parashat Balak [Read more…]
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