As a hospice chaplain for 25 years, I have had the honor and privilege of being with individuals facing their last hours.
From my experience, I have found that Viddui, the traditional prayer recited at this sacred time, failed to bring even a modicum of support, peace, or comfort — what they are searching for at this difficult time.
My version below seemed to be accepted with a greater degree of calm.
A New Viddui
אלהי נשמה שנתת בי טהורה היא
כל זמן שהנשמה בקרבי, מודה אני לפניך
My God, the soul You have given me is pure.
And someday You will take it from me, restoring it to everlasting life.
As long as spirit breathes in me, I offer thanks before you.
My God, God of those who have gone before me, I thank You for the life You have given me, full of blessings and love.
I understand and acknowledge that life and death are in Your hands.
Forgive my weaknesses and for the good deeds and acts of loving kindness that I never took the time to do.
Please recall the acts of kindness I did do.
Forgive me for those whom I have wronged – family members, friends, and others.
And God, before it is too late, accept my forgiveness to those who have wronged me.
I pray that You judge my life as I lived it, as worthy, knowing that I left much undone.
May it be Your will that I no longer sin, and with Your great mercy cleanse me of my sins – those I know about and for those of which I do not know.
Protector of the bereaved and the helpless, watch over my loved ones, with whom my soul is intertwined.
When You choose to end my life, please let it be peaceful, painless and swift.
God, hold me in Your arms as I pass from this life to the next.
יהוה מלך, יהוה מלך, יהוה ימלוך לעולם ועד
God reigns; God has reigned; God will reign for ever and ever.
ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד
Blessed be God’s name whose glorious dominion is forever and ever.
יהוה הוא האלהים
Adonai is God.
שמע ישראל יהוה אלהיו יהוה אחד
Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One.
Thank you for this beautiful Vidui prayer.
Hi Laurie, I really love this. Thanks so much for sharing.
Excellent adaptation of traditional prayers for pastoral care. Rabbi Fred Raskind
I thank you for publishing this wonderful version of Vidu’i… I usually begin with the Priestly Benediction, and end with Kol Haneshamah three times and the last paragraph of
Adon Olam as well as an appeal to the four angels and the Shekhina to watch over the person….