Yom Kippur Visit 5784 — A Correctional Institution
Chaplain David Balto writes about Yom Kippur in a maximum security prison. [Read more…]
Chaplain David Balto writes about Yom Kippur in a maximum security prison. [Read more…]
In this d’var Torah for Shavuot Yizkor, Chaplain David Balto writes about the “soul garment,” that according to the Zohar, we receive in the 30 days immediately following death of the body. [Read more…]
The 2023 National Bikur Cholim conference begins on March 13 and ends on June 5. This year’s program will be on The Path to Healing in the Face of Bereavement and our keynote speaker is Dr. Pauline Boss who has written and studied loss and bereavement for decades. [Read more…]
The Bikur Cholim conference organized by Kavod V’Nichum will be virtual in 2022. [Read more…]
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