Guest D’var Torah: Acharei Mot
Rabbi David Levin reflects on the meaning of Acharei Mot in the context of his recent humanitarian trip to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland. [Read more…]
Rabbi David Levin reflects on the meaning of Acharei Mot in the context of his recent humanitarian trip to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland. [Read more…]
Rabbi David Levin discusses the importance of kavod v’nichum, the Jewish mitzvah of comforting the mourners, during the coronavirus pandemic. [Read more…]
Rabbi David Levin discusses the priestly blessing described in Parsha Naso. [Read more…]
While Rabbi Address is away on vacation, Rabbi David Levin is writing the weekly D’vrei Torah. [Read more…]
Rabbi David Levin writes about his experience extending chaplaincy care in Pittsburgh as part of the American Red Cross support team, following the shootings at the Tree of Life Synagogue there. [Read more…]
Rabbi David Levin discovers a legacy treasure while going through his father’s belongings. [Read more…]
Parashah Shelach helps me understand a fundamental part of the human condition giving perspective into the fickle nature of the Israelite people’s relationship to their God as the Almighty leads them from bondage to the [Read more…]
Vayigash continues unfolding the stories from last week’s parshah Mikeitz between Joseph and his brothers. Joseph, Judah, Rueven are all revealing their struggles. How each remembers what transpired years before tells us much about the [Read more…]
This guest post to Rabbi Address’ blog is by Rabbi David Levin. How do you tell Dad that Mom has died? This challenging question confronted old friends this past week. Compassion is such a difficult [Read more…]
Moses’ speeches in Devarim are a wonderful retelling of a story, but so much of it is not true- at least much of is does not comport with the stories of the previous books of [Read more…]
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