Be Culturally Radical: Live As If You Are Dying
Reb Simcha Raphael provides some reflections on Yizkor. [Read more…]
Reb Simcha Raphael provides some reflections on Yizkor. [Read more…]
Reb Simcha Raphael links the observance of Yizkor in a time of public health lockdown with an effort to make a more solid spiritual connection. [Read more…] contributor Reb Simcha Raphael looks for ways the teachings of Passover can help us deal with these enigmatic and often frightening times. [Read more…]
Reb Simcha Raphael discusses the parsha Ha’azinu, Moses’ death, and the promised land. [Read more…]
Reb Simcha Raphael provides some reflections on Yizkor. [Read more…]
Rabbi Simcha Raphael writes about the story-telling surrounding Passover and how to make it meaningful. [Read more…]
With Parshat Vayehi, the Book of Genesis reaches its grand finale. With Jacob and his extended family gathered in the land of Egypt, first, the illustrious Patriarch himself, Jacob, dies – “was gathered unto his [Read more…]
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