Jacob and Grandparenting
In this week’s D’var Torah, guest contributor Rabbi Susan Elkodsi probes the lessons we can learn about grandparenting from Jacob’s relationship with his children and grandchildren. [Read more…]
In this week’s D’var Torah, guest contributor Rabbi Susan Elkodsi probes the lessons we can learn about grandparenting from Jacob’s relationship with his children and grandchildren. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi suggests that the time spent by Israel in the wilderness was a time of needed healing and repair. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi discusses a Talmudic message about the quality of life as we age. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi reflects on the upcoming Tisha B’av observance and its ability to take us from bereavement to redemption and hope. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi discusses the lesson of this week’s Haftorah from the Book of Kings. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi finds meaning in a Talmud tractate where Rabbi Elezar loses and then recovers his Torah learning. [Read more…]
Reflecting on Parsha Terumah, Rabbi Susan Elkodsi sees her body as a temple. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi is taking on the Daf Yomi study of the Talmud, a 7-1/2 year project. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi notices that while the Torah loves genealogies, up until this week’s parashah, Vayechi, the Torah is silent about any actual relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi reflects on her most recent trip to Israel, the changes and accomplishments of the country, and changes in her own life. [Read more…]
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