Reflections on Aging
A prayer for Bruce Willis
Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, author of the “Martini Judaism” column, offers a prayer for actor Bruce Willis, who is facing a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia. [Read more…]
Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, author of the “Martini Judaism” column, offers a prayer for actor Bruce Willis, who is facing a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia. [Read more…]
The marriage of singer-songwriter Arlo Guthrie and Marti Ladd this month inspires Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin to write about the value of continuing to live fully as we age. [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: As Passover ends, we are again given the opportunity, in ritual fashion, for one of our tradition’s Yizkor services. To remember is a gift. This guest blog post for Pesach Yizkor is from [Read more…]
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