When do I stop watching coming attractions?
I have been absent for a while. I thought when I stopped practicing law and mediation, and completed ordination, I would have lots of time to write, and exercise and play. None of that has [Read more…]
I have been absent for a while. I thought when I stopped practicing law and mediation, and completed ordination, I would have lots of time to write, and exercise and play. None of that has [Read more…]
Rabbinic Pastor Carl Viniar writes about the experience of his ordination ceremony in a time of COVID. [Read more…]
Rabbinic Pastor Reb Carl Viniar looks at family dysfunction in Genesis, with particular focus on the Joseph Story in Parsha Vayigash. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar writes about the scarcity of civility in our social discourse today. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar writes about the kinds of tests we might face in unexpected places and for unexpected reasons. [Read more…]
Reb Carl writes about his pastoral counseling and mediation practice. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar expands on his recent “Spice Up Your Judaism” class about recent Supreme Court decisions, conducted for Congregation Kol Ami in Cherry Hill, NJ. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar writes about how his college friends’ and Jewish fraternity brothers’ lives unfolded in an era of protest and personal achievement, but ended up with a renewed focus on Judaism. [Read more…]
Reb Carl Viniar writes about the recent rise in antisemitism and suggests some approaches to fighting back against it. [Read more…]
I read an article in which Lisa Kudrow told the story of her son’s bar mitzvah at a mall. Her son was 16 and had gone to the mall to purchase a new game. Some [Read more…]
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