BGR 1/20/2015: Village to Village, Alternative Housing for Boomers; and Stories of Long-Term Care Residents

Natalie Galucia, executive director, Village to Villate Network
Natalie Galucia, executive director, Village to Villate Network

On the January 20, 2015 Boomer Generation Radio show, Rabbi Address chats with Natalie Galucia, executive director of Village to Village Network, an organization providing services around alternative housing arrangements for Baby Boomers. Villages are membership-driven, grass-roots organizations that, through both volunteers and paid staff, coordinate access to affordable services including transportation, health and wellness programs, home repairs, social and educational activities, and other day-to-day needs enabling individuals to remain connected to their community throughout the aging process.

In the second half of the program, the guests are Catherine O’Gorman and Regina Farrell,  from Holy Redeemer’s Life Care Program, to discuss the importance of knowing the stories of long term care residents.

Boomer Generation Radio is sponsored in part by Kendal Corporation, a Quaker-based provider of continuing care retirement communities in the Northeast and Midwest, airs on WWDB-AM 860 every Tuesday at 10 a.m., and features news and conversation aimed at Baby Boomers and the issues facing them as members of what Rabbi Address calls “the club sandwich generation.” You can hear the show live on AM 860, or streamed live from the WWDB website.

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