BGR 2/16/16: Bridge Meadows and Intergenerational Neighborhoods, Boomer Financial Planning

On the February 16, 2016 Boomer Generation Radio, Rabbi Address talks with Dr. Derenda Schubert, executive director, and Renee Moseley, associate director, of Bridge Meadows.  Bridge Meadows has the mission of developing and sustaining intergenerational neighborhoods for adoptive families of foster children that promote permanency, community and caring relationships, while offering safety and meaningful purpose in the daily lives of older adults.

Peter Hecht
Peter Hecht

In the second half of the show, Rabbi Address talks with Peter Hecht, principal of Hecht Investment Group, an affiliate of Janney Montgomery Scott, to discuss family financial planning issues for “club sandwich generation” baby boomers. Peter is a Certified Financial Planner and specializes in estate and retirement planning.

About the Guests
Dr. Derenda Schubert

Dr. Derenda Schubert
Executive Director

Dr. Schubert is a psychologist with professional experience including counseling children and families as well as creating and managing programs in the realms of foster care, mental health and developmental disabilities. Prior to joining the Bridge Meadows team she was the Chief Operating Officer of Trillium Family Services and a Board Member of Bridge Meadows.

Renee Moseley, LCSW

Renee Moseley, LCSW
Associate Director

Renee Moseley joined Bridge Meadows in June 2010 after having moved from Los Angeles, CA. Renee obtained her MSW from UCLA in 1993, specializing in Child Welfare. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, she has provided mental health services, workshops and program management to county and community based agencies focused on child abuse and neglect. In 2000, Renee entered the HIV/AIDS field and devoted the next 9 years to managing & providing psychosocial services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS. She is excited to blend her passion of social service and entrepreneurship in her work with Bridge Meadows.

Boomer Generation Radio is sponsored in part by Kendal Corporation, a Quaker-based provider of continuing care retirement communities in the Northeast and Midwest, airs on WWDB-AM 860 every Tuesday at 10 a.m., and features news and conversation aimed at Baby Boomers and the issues facing them as members of what Rabbi Address calls “the club sandwich generation.” You can hear the show live on AM 860, or streamed live from the WWDB website.

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