Boomer Generation Radio 8/13/2013 show features conversation with Sharon Pearl, spiritual director

Sharon Pearl

Sharon Pearl, MA, is this week’s guest on Boomer Generation Radio. Sharon provides individual and group spiritual direction.

Sharon Pearl
Sharon Pearl

A veteran teacher of adult education at area synagogues and a lay leader at P’nai Or Philadelphia, she is a co-founder of the havurah “Jewish in South Jersey”.  She is an ordained Mashpiah Ruchanit (Spiritual Director), having studied in a three year mentorship with Sandra B. Cohen, DSW. Sharon is a member of Spiritual Directors International.  Sharon’s spirituality informs her other important role as a Speech Language Pathologist in private practice for over 30 years.

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Boomer Generation Radio airs on WWDB-AM 860 every Tuesday at 10 a.m., and features news and conversation aimed at Baby Boomers and the issues facing them as members of what Rabbi Address calls “the club sandwich generation.” You can hear the show live on AM 860, or streamed live from the WWDB website.

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