In the recent Global Action on Aging newsletter (July 30, 2008) the following short piece reported on a recent survey of baby boomer women and their parents’ future living arrangements. The article points out the need for having discussions with our parents on how and where future living arrangements will be possible.
“As people age they and their children become more concerned with how they will spend receive long term acre and maintain their independence as long as possible. This study asked American women age 45 and older whether they had conversations with their parents about living independently in their old age or if they planned on receiving assistance. About two-thirds of respondents (69%) reported having this type of conversation yet only 40 % said they had actively planned how to care for their parents. Of those who had discussed the matter, the most popular options were having their parents move in (43%) and providing home care assistance (33%). Interestingly, only 17% had considered a nursing home. It is quite possible that many women would like to plan their parent’s care, yet lack the proper guidance.”
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