End of life planning discussed on Boomer Generation Radio’s November 5 show

On the November 5, 2013 installment of Boomer Generation Radio, Rabbi Address welcomes Jeanne C. Hoff, an expert in end-of-life planning.

Jeanne Hoff
Jeanne Hoff

Jeanne is a native of Norristown, Pennsylvania, where she attended both private and public school.  She has an Associates’ Degree and spent many years working in the business, legal and financial communities.  She was a paralegal, a business founder/owner/operator, a cemetery sales counselor, and a personal coach.

Jeanne is passionate about end-of-life planning.  With her cross-over experience in all five areas of end-of-life planning as she defines it (i.e., legal; financial; funeral & burial; record-keeping; personal), she has written a just-published book titled Between Now and Then: A Common-Sense End-of-Life Planning Guide for Baby Boomers (and the rest of us).  It is available on Amazon.

She and her husband, Bill, and their three cats live near Valley Forge, PA.

Boomer Generation Radio airs on WWDB-AM 860 every Tuesday at 10 a.m., and features news and conversation aimed at Baby Boomers and the issues facing them as members of what Rabbi Address calls “the club sandwich generation.” You can hear the show live on AM 860, or streamed live from the WWDB website.

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