Gamliel Institute Launches Catalogue of Classes Focusing on Ethics, Practices, Rituals and Coummunity That Embrace Life’s Final Years

Gamiliel Institute, the academic wing of Kavod V’Nichum (which trains people to create and work with Chevra Kaddishah groups) has a long history of providing courses and mini classes that deal with issues related to end of life rituals and traditions. The Gamliel Institute, in an effort to broaden the  base of education around end of life issues, has created a new catalogue of course offerings that touch on a wide variety of concerns. The catalogue lists the required courses for certification from the Institute, as well as a year plus long menu of classes, of varying length of time, that have been created by the Gamliel staff. These classes engage experts working in the field of Judaism and end of life, ritual and text, as well as other concerns. There is also information on the annual Kavod V’Nichum conference (next year set for June in Pittsburgh). These classes are are  all on-line classes. Costs vary  in the context of class length. This catalogue represents another in the growing Jewish adult/continuing education experience that is now available to our community. If you are a member of a congregation and/or Jewish communal organization, this may be a good opportunity to link the catalogue to your website and make this opportunity available to your membership.

To access the on-line catalogue, go to:

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