I walk everyday to keep myself healthy
It’s often a lonely venture
But today I see clearly
All that surrounds me.
As I complete the familiar path
I sit on a bench to collect my thoughts
And plan the day’s tasks ahead of me
So I feel the satisfaction of accomplishment at day’s end.
A sound reverberates from behind me
With a rhythm that’s slow and then fast
And then silent and then loud
Only to identify its chimes as the wind.
A song is sung among the towering trees
By, what I hope, are two love birds
Declaring their calls of affection
To connect their time for courtship.
As I stare at a carpet of fresh green grass
I see shadows of swaying branches
Dancing to the beat of the wind
And to the song of the chirping birds.
A little creature, a squirrel
Pitter patters down a tree trunk
Then crosses the ground to show off his/her talented antics
Like a gymnast performing a floor exercise.
A spider weaves a web of intricate design
On the metal bench
As I observe it knit a pattern
Pretty enough for a lace doily.
The azure sky
Is like a mirror of the near Pacific ocean
And I contemplate the miracle of airplanes
Gliding among the puffy white marshmallow clouds.
Most stunning and startling are the pinks
Of the Crape Myrtle trees that surround me
As my spirit is lifted by the shocking colors of Spring
That fill me with joy and remind me that Passover is near.
But then I am brought back to reality
As my heart bleeds for those who are not free
And I remember words from our seder
“No man is free until all men are free.”
How can Spring paint it’s beauty among all the chaos?
Or is it just another season to behold with hopes of new
While remembering
“A time to every purpose under the sun.”
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