Lives of caregivers featured in public radio series

John Hockenberry
John Hockenberry
John Hockenberry, host of
John Hockenberry

More than 65.7 million Americans—almost 30 percent of the adult population—are caregivers. John Hockenberry’s award-winning radio program, The Takeaway, is looking into the lives of these caregivers to learn what it is like to care for an adult child with autism, an injured veteran, a disabled loved one, and an aging population suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s at an unprecedented rate. You can listen to podcast recordings of the series at the show’s website.

The Takeaway is a unique partnership of global news leaders. It is a co-production of PRI (Public Radio International) and WNYC Radio in collaboration with The New York Times and WGBH Boston.

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