In my early 80s, I am happily obsessed with writing and sharing Poetry. It gives me a passionate purpose for my highly discretionary senior life. It enables me to access my lengthy life’s stories and wisdom and crystalize them into story-poems to touch and inspire my Boomer generation and younger folk. It connects me to an amazing, diverse tribe of writers and listeners/readers of modern poems.
It motivates me to improve my health and vitality so I can keep on doing what I love and hearing how it benefits others. I feel more spiritual as the process deepens my relationship with Divinity – as creativity comes through me from Source. I find the poetry process ideal for energizing and enhancing my senior wisdom years.
Maybe, you too are curious to try poetry writing about your life’s stories and wisdom and sharing them with your loved ones.
I ponder accessing and sharing my wisdom
eight decades of striving and thriving
I discover an eagerness for creating poetry
Or, do the poems want to birth through me?
Now my passionate, fulfilling life’s purpose
“Each Kind act makes my life worth living”
Penned sporadic poems for decades
Now it courses like my body’s blood
An indelible identity, my new business card
Writing inspired by a stream of stories
from my long, rocky, intriguing journey
“Shall I ever be too old to Dream boldly?”
Poetry and I connected in my curious elder era
When younger, too distracted and practical
to author lean and potent poetry
As a senior, I possess the time, feel the prickle
to recall stories, alchemize them into poems
“An outrageous day, time for inner Peace”
My senses slowly matured to enable
acute observation, imagination, expression
I have the patience to polish until gleaming
poems that amuse, shock and awaken
They illumine life’s hidden meanings
“Terrible things happing, I jazz my Joy”
Each day’s poems take me hostage –
writing, editing, conversing, performing
My delightful obsession compels me
to distribute my wisdom-filled poems
What a world of wonder we’d live in –
Wisdom as our language and currency
shaping society’s beliefs, actions, songs
“One more sunset, another Regret erased”
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