I Know an Old Woman….

"Rosh Hashanah 5769 - The Table," by Edsel Little, used via Creative Commons License on Flickr.com
“Rosh Hashanah 5769 – The Table,” by Edsel Little, used via Creative Commons License on Flickr.com

-I know an old Jewish Baby Boomer woman who doesn’t live in a shoe
-She has enough children and always knows what she has to do.

-She feeds them well, homemade challah and chicken soup
-While counting the days till they all fly the coup.

-A husband is no more and that’s ok
-Because she leans on her faith to help get through her day.

-She sends the kinder to Hebrew School
-And they all think being Jewish is cool.

-They study their lessons, stand on the Bimah, love Jewish summer camp, become TAs and do it all very well
-They are happy the old Jewish Baby Boomer woman kvells.

-That her children would be educated and independent is what she prays
-Asking G-d for it to be that way.

-She busies herself to teach them lessons of might
-Hurrying and scurrying hoping they get it right.

-And then before she turns around

-They are all college bound!

-“How could this be?

-Empty-nest is not for me!”

-“I need more time to fill their mind!”
-But as she sits and sheds a tear, she realizes it’s their life for them to find.

-And then an old saying flashes in her head: Give them roots to grow and wings to fly.
“Oh my, oh my,” she sighs.

-“I pray they will be fine….
-But, OMG, will I?”

Yom Kippur is a time for reflection, contemplation and new and creative plans for our future. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life!

L’Shana Tovah


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