Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast #5: Progressive Judaism in Latin America, a conversation with Berta Zylberstajn

Berta Zylberstajn, executive secretary, World Union for Progressive Judaism - Latin America
Berta Zylberstajn, executive secretary, World Union for Progressive Judaism - Latin America

World Union for Progressive Judaism - Latin America - logoRabbi Address has just returned from participation in the 4th Conference of Jewish Communities in Buenos Aires, Argentina, sponsored by the World Union for Progressive Judaism – Latin America WUPJ-LA). The World Union for Progressive Judaism is the international umbrella organization of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements, serving 1,200 congregations with 1.8 million members in more than 45 countries.

Berta Zylberstajn, executive secretary, World Union for Progressive Judaism - Latin America
Berta Zylberstajn, executive secretary, World Union for Progressive Judaism – Latin America

While he was in Buenos Aires, Rabbi Address recorded this interview with Berta Zylberstajn, executive secretary of the WUPJ-LA, about the important role Progressive Judaism is playing the spiritual life of Latin American Jewish communities.

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