JSA Podcast 24: Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Congregation Ner Tamid, Henderson, NV

In this edition of the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, the guest is Rabbi Sanford “Sandy” Akselrad, rabbi of Congregation Ner Tamid, in Henderson, NV.  Rabbi Akselrad is piloting a new outreach program for seniors within the congregation.

About the Guest

Rabbi Akselrad2Rabbi Sanford Akselrad is the spiritual leader of Ner Tamid, and a leader in creating a vibrant Jewish community in Southern Nevada.

Sanford Akselrad has served as the spiritual leader of Congregation Ner Tamid since he came to Las Vegas in 1988.  During this time, the Synagogue grew from approximately 60 to over 600 families, becoming the largest Reform Synagogue in the State of Nevada. In his nearly 27 years of service to the congregation, Rabbi Akselrad has served on a wide variety of community boards including the Humana Hospital Pastoral Advisory Board, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Jewish Family Services and the National Conference of Community and Justice.

You can read more of Rabbi Akselrad’s bio on the Ner Tamid website.

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