Kavod v’Nichum webinars on justice in Jewish tradition now available at no cost

"Justice balance" by Ioan-Victor Dragan via Flickr.com under a Creative Commons 2.0 License.
"Justice balance" by Ioan-Victor Dragan via Flickr.com under a Creative Commons 2.0 License.

Kavod v’Nichum and the Gamliel Institute had the privilege of sponsoring two webinars with Laurie Zoloth, a dynamic and world-renowned professor of Jewish ethics. Because of the timeliness of the issue of vaccine distribution, we are making these available to you.

To register (at no cost) and receive the links, see below:

Why Justice is Prior to Freedom: COVID 19 and the Challenge of Community with Laurie Zoloth, Ph.D.

Justice in an Unjust World: Theories of Justice

Every family, tribe, and society have to decide how to distribute their resources, from love to gold to doses of vaccine during a pandemic. But before we can decide policy, we have to understand the history and theories behind our choices. In this first session, we consider classic theories of justice from Aristotle to Liberation Theology, and ask: what do we mean by ‘fair?’

Vaccine Distribution: Jewish Tradition and Jewish Ideas of Justice

Jews are not strangers to the problem of life and death decision making in situations of scarcity. Jewish texts have long considered the problem of scarcity and the need for systems of justice, especially ones that challenge existing hierarchies of power and privilege. In this second session we look at the different ways that distributive justice is considered in the rabbinic and philosophical traditions of Jewish thought. We will consider how Jews might think about vaccine distribution and compare the Israeli idea of justice to the many American versions in the vaccine distribution process.

To register click here. Donations are welcome.


About the speaker

Laurie Zoloth is the Margaret E. Burton Professor of Religion and Ethics and the Senior Advisor to the Provost for Social Justice at the University of Chicago. She has served as the Dean of the Divinity School at the University, and as President of both the American Academy of Religion and the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. Her 1999 book, “Health Care and the Ethics of Encounter: A Jewish View of Social Justice,” addressed the challenges of distributive justice.

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