Learning What Is Truly Irreplaceable – A Late Life Lesson

One of the things I have learned, sadly, Is that there are some things you can’t replace as you grow old. It’s not a matter of finances or something no longer in stock.

New technology, wonderful though it may be, can extend my life after a near fatal massive heart failure. But it can not replace the people who made my life full.

You see, I have outlived my wonderful group of 6 friends.

They were 3 or 4 years older than me and at 75, one by one, their lives ended. I was with two of them on their last days and I will never forget those times.

Sitting beside her bed, I read the newspaper to Mar – she never missed a day of the front page and certain columnists. We talked about politics and wow! could she be brutal!!

I shared the latest gossip from our Senior Center with Marg. We laughed a lot. I can still hear it. And oh – how I miss it!

There is so much written and discussed about the need for friends as you age. But how do even begin to make that happen? And if you are a solo ager like me – what do you talk about? Without children, grandchildren or family (the main topics of conversation along with health issues) I feel like a stranger in a strange land! How I long to laugh, share the silly bits of my life, plan to see a movie or go out to lunch or a class. I want to be greeted with a hug!

Unable to drive, I am stranded. My house is like a desert island.

Zoom is a wonderful tool and I am grateful for the opportunity to meet virtually some terrific people from all over the world as a result of my writing. Technology is amazing!

But nothing replaces the warmth of a friend sitting next to you as you share your day. Laughing over a cup of coffee. Taking a walk.

Friends. We don’t realize they are irreplaceable until they are gone. How I miss them!!

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