Let’s Talk About God: A Series of 3 Podcasts For Your Consideration in Elul

RVI101963 Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, 1865 (oil on canvas);Leloir, Alexandre-Louis (1843-84);oil on canvas;617 X 471;Musee des Beaux-Arts, Clermont-Ferrand, France;Roger-Viollet, Paris;NO FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH OR JAPANESE RIGHTS AVAILABLE;Out of copyright

            As the High Holydays approach, we invite you join us for a three-part series on theology that will post September 9, 16 and 23 on our Seekers of Meaning podcast/tv. You can access the podcasts here on jewishsacredaging.com and link to them on our Jewish Sacred Aging Facebook page or the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast Facebook page.

            This three-part series is, in many ways, a response to the growing discussion that we have had in classes this past year around God. The changes in our lives, as we age; changes in our families, our bodies our belief systems and the gnawing reality that time is passing and what has this life meant; all have combined to have this series emerge. We hope that these three podcasts will spark some discussion and thought both within your community and within your own soul. The themes they discuss speak to so many of the themes and texts that we shall encounter in this Holiday period.

            The three podcasts cover three different approaches to current discussions around God. On September 9, Rabbi Lawrence Kotok joins Rev. Dr. Rick McCall to discuss the need for a modern approach to theology from both Jewish and Christian perspectives. Both have been deeply involved in inter-faith work in their careers. This will be followed by Rabbi Tobah Spitzer on September 16. Rabbi Spitzer will be discussing her new book on Process Theology: “God Is Here”, which looks at the use of metaphor. She will look at some specific High Holiday liturgy and explore why metaphor is an appropriate way to see God. Finally, on September 23, we will replay a podcast that has generated a lot of response. Rabbis Rifat Sonsino and Richard Agler will discuss their book of essays on Naturalist Theology. The book, “A God We Can Believe In” walks us through a variety of issues surrounding how we see God in a non-supernatural manner, how to speak to and pray to this God.

            We invite you to listen or watch this series and would appreciate any reaction or suggestions to RabbiAddress@JewishSacredAging.com. By the way, the series is sponsored by bookbaby.com. which is a company that will help you develop, publish and market your book.

            Thank you for your attention and accept our best wishes for a sweet, peaceful, and healthy New Year.


Rabbi Richard F. Address


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