Loose the Angels of Peace

A prayer of fear, hope, and longing as Israel moves toward a ceasefire deal to bring hostages back home.

Loose the Angels of Peace
God of eternity,
I am afraid
To allow hope
Into my heart
Or joy
Into my soul.

How I long
To see our hostages released.
How I yearn
For the captives to be redeemed.
How I pray
For the kidnapped to be free.

Prepare my heart
To receive our loved ones,
Released from the tunnels,
With the fullness of compassion and joy,
Even as You require that my heart
Stay broken
For those who remain in captivity
And to mourn the lost.

God of history,
Open the gates of freedom
For the innocent.
Wash away their pain
With a river of healing.
Wash away their nightmares
With the secret light
That You stored upon creation
For the righteous.

Source and Shelter,
Let loose the angels of peace.
For certainly they, too,
Must be held in captivity.
Then, God of life,
Hope will flow unbound,
And songs of rejoicing
Will shatter the heavens,
When the words of the prophet
Are fulfilled:

ויש־תקוה לאחריתך נאם־יהוה ושבו בנים לגבולם׃
And there is hope for your future, declares Adonai,
Your children shall return to their country.


© 2025 Alden Solovy

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