Nancy Alterman, Rowan University geriatric social worker, is guest on Boomer Generation Radio 7/30/2013

Nancy Alterman, LCSW, a geriatric social worker on the staff of the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging at Rowan University, is this week’s guest on Rabbi Address’ “Boomer Generation Radio” program. Nancy is a staff member at the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging at Rowan University.

Since 1989, the NJISA, a nationally recognized “Center of Excellence” based at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM), has served older individuals and their families, providing medical care in varied settings and offering training for health professionals of multiple disciplines. NJISA’s statewide leadership in education, research, clinical care, community service and public policy fosters our commitment to helping the growing number of older individuals in New Jersey age successfully.

Nancy Alterman, LCSW
Nancy Alterman, LCSW

You can read Nancy’s bio on the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine website.

Boomer Generation Radio airs on WWDB-AM 860 every Tuesday at 10 a.m., and features news and conversation aimed at Baby Boomers and the issues facing them as members of what Rabbi Address calls “the club sandwich generation.” You can hear the show live on AM 860, or streamed live from the WWDB website.

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