We invite you to participate in a groundbreaking study that will explore the interests and family demographics of Jewish grandparents, ages 55-80. Your responses to an online survey will join those of grandparents throughout North America to provide vital information that will help our community/organization better understand how we can best reach, engage and serve grandparents and their families.
The survey is being conducted by an outside third-party research firm (Impact:NPO). To ensure confidentiality, any information you provide will only be reported in combination with responses collected from thousands of other survey participants.
If you are a grandparent, age 55-80 who self-identifies as Jewish, please click here to take the survey
We invite you to share this link with friends and family members whom you feel would also be interested in participating!
Join the thousands who are participating in the first national study of Jewish grandparents!
The National Study of Jewish Grandparents is underwritten by the Jewish Grandparents Network with support from the Jim Joseph Foundation, the Covenant Foundation, Lee Hendler and Mike Leven.
Thank you in advance for your participation,
David Raphael
CEO & Co-Founder
Jewish Grandparents Network
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