Not Wanting To Let Go

For the last few mornings the temperature has dropped to freezing.  But the trees behind my house are not entirely ready to let go of Autumn.  They cling to their remaining orange leaves even as the ice coats their branches.

I am like the trees – clinging to the last vestiges of my old life before heart failure changed it forever.

Neither of us will win this battle with time and the inevitable. 

But we try anyway.


  1. Carole – you hit it out of the ballpark again. (Rabbi Richie will appreciate the reference, I’m sure!)

    I really appreciate your postings.
    Keep ‘‘em coming…

    • Thank you Phyllis! I appreciate your encouragement and am delighted that you read my work. If you are so inclined you can look at my Facebook page for more as well as my photography. It is public.

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