Out Goes the Past, In Comes the Future…

vintage golden clock in aged railway station terminal with arched windows
Photo by William Fortunato on Pexels.com

I will not shed a tear
For the past 2022 year
As covid, politics and the state of the world had too many pains
With not nearly enough gains.

Don’t get me wrong
My gratitude for blessings is quite long…
I saw my children and grandchildren grow in spite of the world’s woes
But still I wonder why we have so many foes.

It’s the most of modern times
When technology and human minds
Should be filled with centuries of clues
On how to repair our depressing news.

In 1917 my grandparents fled Ukraine
And today we watch people flee for reasons of the same.
Power and greed fuel many who see
Only themselves as the leaders to be.

But history shows that truth to power will prevail
As long as we continue to fight so as not to fail.
By speaking out loud for social justice and sharing the stories of the past
We can teach our young ones how to make our legacy last.

As Jews and Americans we must continue the fight
With faith, courage, strength and all our might.
Let’s preserve our history and home of the brave as the new year
Comes upon us with less fear.

Challenges are always part our day
But with hope and prayers everything will be okay.
Wishes that 2023 is a year filled with health, joy, love and laughs for you
With freedom and peace for all humankind too.

Gratitude to Jewish Sacred Aging for allowing me to express my thoughts.
Happy Chanukah and Happy New Year!

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