Rabbi Address leading Adult Ed classes at Temple Aaron, Trinidad, CO

Jewish texts and tradition focusing on the challenges, joys, and possibilities of growing older.

Adult Ed class with Rabbi Richard Address on Zoom

This will be Temple Aaron’s first adult education series. Rabbi Address’ work is very well known nationally for his teaching and writing on this important topic, and we are fortunate to have him share his time with us for four consecutive Monday evenings starting January 6.

Sessions will include:

Jan. 6: Four Values that Form a Spiritual Foundation for Our Own Aging

Jan. 13: A Jewish Approach to Health and Wellness: Our texts that inform us on physical and mental health

Jan. 20: Making Sacred Decisions as Life Ebbs: An examination of our text and tradition as they approach and guide on issues of end of life and medical ethics

Jan. 27: New Rituals for New Life Stages: A look at the growing number of new prayers and rituals being created to support the new life stages granted by longevity, for example: signing an advanced directive, older adult cohabitation, Kaddish for an abusive parent, redefining adultery in light of dementia/Alzheimers.

To register for this series, simply RSVP by emailing ac@templeaaron.org and we will provide the zoom link. Thank you!

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