Rabbi Ben David discusses his experience with cancer and how it has changed him as a rabbi, a parent, and a human being

Rabbi Ben David, left, senior rabbi at Congregation Adath Emanu-El, Mt. Laurel, NJ, chats with Rabbi Richard Address, host of the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, before recording in the Lubetkin Media Companies studio in Cherry Hill, NJ
Rabbi Ben David, left, senior rabbi at Congregation Adath Emanu-El, Mt. Laurel, NJ, chats with Rabbi Richard Address, host of the Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, before recording in the Lubetkin Media Companies studio in Cherry Hill, NJ

In the December 16, 2016 Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, Rabbi Ben David, senior rabbi at Congregation Adath Emanu-El, Mt. Laurel, NJ, discusses his experience battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and how it is shaping a new perspective for his rabbinate, his life as a parent, and as a human being.  Rabbi David made his illness, treatment, and recovery the focus of his Yom Kippur sermon this year, which you can read here.

About the Guest

RabbiDavidPortraitRabbi Benjamin David was born in Philadelphia, PA and raised in Cherry Hill, NJ. He is the son of Rabbi Jerome and Peggy David. He attended Cherry Hill High School East and Muhlenberg College, where he majored in English Literature. In 1999, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. In 2004, he was ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City. While in rabbinic school, he served numerous congregations, including Kol Hanishama of Jerusalem, Temple Beth Am of Monessen, PA and Temple Shaaray Tefila of Manhattan. He also served as intern at the Jewish Guild for the Blind and the Makor Steinhardt Center. He received numerous awards in the field of Talmud and Hebrew Literature and was the cofounder of Davar Aher, a student review. From 2005-2012, he served as assistant and associate rabbi at Temple Sinai of Roslyn, working closely with youth and teens, overseeing the Hebrew High School program, officiating at lifecycle events, teaching broadly, and helping to further develop the congregation’s social action, community organizing, and interfaith programs.

A competitive distant runner, he has completed sixteen marathons and twenty half marathons. He is a co-founder of the Running Rabbis, a social justice initiative that works with clergy worldwide to run and walk in the name of worthy causes.

Rabbi David is also active in the Jewish Federation of South Jersey, especially within the Young Adult Division, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, and is on the advisory board for The Voice.

He is married to Lisa David, the Associate Director of Camp Harlam.  They also met at Camp Harlam, where they both spent time as campers, counselors, and supervisors. They have three children, Noa, Elijah, and Samuel.