Rabbi Mark Howard Levin, author of “Praying the Bible” on the JSA Podcast

Rabbi Mark Howard Levin, founding rabbi of Congregation Beth Torah in Overland Park, KS, is the guest on the November 18 Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast. Rabbi Levin is the author of Praying the Bible: Finding Personal Meaning in the Siddur, Ending Boredom & Making Each Prayer Experience Unique.


About the Guest

Rabbi Mark H. Levin D.H.L, D.D., founding rabbi, Congregation Beth Torah, Overland Park, KSRabbi Mark H. Levin is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. Graduated in 1971 from Boston University, magna cum laude with distinction in religion, Rabbi Levin received his Master of Arts in Hebrew letters from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in 1974, his Certificate in Jewish Communal Studies in 1974(L.A.), and was ordained in 1976 (Cincinnati). Most recently, Rabbi Levin completed his Doctorate of Hebrew Letters through HUC-JIR in New York in May, 2001, and his honorary Doctor of Divinity in 2001 in Cincinnati. He has been the congregational Pulpit Rabbi for Congregation Beth Torah since its inception in 1988 up until his retirement from this position in June 2014.  In July 2014 he accepted the position of Beth Torah’s Founding Rabbi.  Rabbi Levin is the father of three children and grandfather of one child. He is married to the former Kacy Childs-Winston, the mother of Kyle and Seth Winston.  Rabbi Levin serves on several local boards and writes religion columns for the Kansas City Star, and answers questions for the “Ask the Rabbi” service of the Union of Reform Judaism.    To email Rabbi Levin, mlevin@beth-torah.org.

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