Seekers of Meaning 12/17/2021: Judith Graham, ‘Navigating Aging’ Columnist

Rabbi Address speaks this week with Kaiser Health News “Navigating Aging” columnist Judith Graham

On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Judith Graham, the “Navigating Age” columnist for Kaiser Health News, is the guest. Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.

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About the Guest

Judith Graham

Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News contributing columnist, has written for The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Stat, The Washington Post and the Journal of the American Medical Association, among others. She was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for a Denver Post series on defective pacemakers.


  1. I know the Gray Panthers group in Miami was strong, about Care issues, and I’m in a Climate Intergenerational Jewish Group in Jax. Beach. Build Back Better, it is a Puzzlement.

  2. Smashing interview with Judy Graham, hits all the most important issues. Especially like points regarding solo agers’ particular needs. How will we reach, inspire and mobilize activists when we’re all so busy and stressed trying to figure out & navigate this increasingly complex and rather ominous world?

  3. Ms. Graham must have missed our reply to an Op-Ed in the NYT last year, after the Times mistakenly published a similar and totally incorrect lament about the Gray Panthers. We are alive and well, and have revitalized our grassroots networks, as well as developed a national action alert system that promotes involvement in state and national issues.. Follow our work on Facebook at We have a national task force on senior housing and long term care, and published a hard-hitting Gray Paper that exposes the corruption of the corporate run nursing home industry. (We are pleased that the NYT followed our report with two extensive investigative reports.) Join us as an at large member or ask to affiliate with a local network.. . –Jan BenDor, Vice Chair, National Council of Gray Panthers Networks.

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