Social Media for Boomers Webinar Offered September 16, 1pm

Chuck Hester, LinkedIn consultant and author, will host a September 16 webinar on how boomers can use social media more effectively.
Chuck Hester, LinkedIn consultant and author, will host a September 16 webinar on how boomers can use social media more effectively.
Social Media is often considered a “young person’s game” with millennials positioning themselves as “experts.’ In fact, the Boomer generation is just as well-equipped, if not more, to use social media for business. Here’s a free webinar on how boomers can use social media effectively. You can sign up to attend the webinar here.
Join Michael Bryars from evolve24, a big data analytics and research company, and Chuck Hester, author of the soon-to-be published book, Social Media for the Rest of Us: A Boomer’s Perspective, as they discuss how Baby Boomers can use social media and more effectively measure ROI.


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