SOM: Judith Sands, author of Home Hospice Navigation guide for caregivers

On this episode of the Seekers of Meaning Podcast, Rabbi Address chats with Judith Sands, RN, author of Home Hospice Navigation: The Caregiver’s Guide.

For those dealing with chronic illness, Home Hospice Navigation: The Caregiver’s Guide is a valuable resource. The book is filled with tips that can help address advanced care planning and caregiving approach before a crisis or major change in condition occurs. Knowing your loved one’s wishes and being able to honor them will help guide your caregiving journey.

About the Guest

Judith Sands, RN, MSL, BSN, CPHRM, CPHQ, CCM, LHRM, ARM has over 30 years of experience as a healthcare professional and is a recognized authority in the areas of quality, risk management, and patient safety. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Florida and her Master of Science in Leadership from Nova Southeastern University. Judith is a registered nurse, holding state and national certifications in case, quality, and risk management. Judith has been a speaker at various local and national conferences. Her current focus is on ensuring patient safety, care coordination, and bringing dignity to end of life care.



Here is a translation of Judith’s credentials:

RN – Registered Nurse (North Carolina Multistate)
MSL – Master of Science, Leadership
BSN – Bachelor of Science, Nursing
CPHRM – Certified Professional, Healthcare Risk Management
CPHQ – Certified Professional, Healthcare Quality
CCM – Certified Care Manager
LHRM – Licensed Healthcare Risk Manager
ARM – Associate Risk Manager


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