Seekers of Meaning 7/5/2024: Rusty Rosman, author of “Two Envelopes” Book on End of Life Planning

On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, author Rusty Rosman discusses her book, Two Envelopes: What You Want Your Loved Ones To Know When You Die.

When you die, there are so many things your family and loved ones immediately need to know. Two Envelopes is your voice, conveying your wishes regarding your death and your estate.

With a unique blend of wisdom, humor and empathetic storytelling, Rusty Rosman delves into the often-avoided topic of death, offering readers a guide to navigate the complexities of both practical and emotional aspects of end-of-life planning. Rusty’s wisdom and heartfelt way of guiding her readers make this book unique among the other end-of-life planning workbooks available online.

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About the Guest

Rusty Rosman

Rusty Ros­man is a for­mer teacher and com­mer­cial real estate bro­ker. Rusty has served as pres­i­dent and fundrais­er for sev­er­al non­prof­it com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions. In her com­mu­ni­ty where she has lived her entire life, Rusty is a mem­ber of the Zon­ing Board of Appeals and the Prop­er­ty Tax Board. Rusty and her hus­band Stephen are the very proud par­ents of two adult chil­dren and grand­par­ents to six grandchildren.

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